Monday, August 18, 2014

Go Team VCDC!!!

Hello to the Best Supporters!

Just a few days ago marked my official first 2 years in Brazil! What a journey it has been. You all have been there with me through the whole thing, and you are still here as God's calling and purpose for my life continues to be revealed each day. I am very proud that I have made it this far and that there is still much ahead. I am looking forward to the future.
Last month, I had the privilege of spending a few weeks with a team from VCDC as they visited the river communities around Portel. We had a great time getting to know one another and hanging out on the boat. Everyday, we would stop in a new community and spend the day there. There were always lots of kids around, and the team painted their faces and gave them balloons and candy. Some of the brave men from the team also played soccer with the locals, which I found very impressive. Brazilians often play soccer in their bare feet on rocky, grass fields. The Americans did their best to keep up, but nevertheless, many found themselves with a lot of aches and pains after! At night, after they had recovered, we would have a service for the people with worship, prayer, and testimonies from the team members. All of the communities we visited consist of relationships that are fairly new, so the team helped us greatly to make a good impression on them. I'm sure we will be invited back in the future.

I am still here in Altamira, and plan on officially leaving on September 8th. I will meet Richie on his boat in a city called Porto de Moz, and from there, we will go together to Portel. While I was visiting Portel with the team, I was able to rent a house. I am very excited about this house because it is large with a yard, not too hot, and close to the beach! It is also not very expensive, and I feel like it is a blessing from God and exactly what I wanted. I will show you pictures when I get there.
In the meantime, we have had some new missionaries arrive at the base, and I have been helping them get settled in. They will both be teaching at CDR, so I have been training them on how the school functions as well as their responsibilities there.
As you can imagine, I am anxious to start the next phase of this journey. Each time I visit Portel, I become more aware of the needs there and how I can be apart of meeting them. I thank you all for your prayers. I desire to be useful to the Kingdom of God in big ways and small. Please pray that everyday, that becomes more of a reality.
And I thank you all for your faithful financial support. It is a privilege to take what you have given me and use it to help bless others. God bless you all.

Love, Allison

VCDC Team Pics

1 comment:

  1. This was such an amazing trip! I enjoyed reading this and look forward to following your journey in Portel. I am so glad I was able to spend some time with you and that I will be able to visualize where you are as you share your adventures. Kae
