Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from Allison Rupert

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying time with your families. Now that I am living in Portel, and the only other missionaries are from Canada, it was easy to forget about Thanksgiving in November! But don't worry, I'm not one of those people who get really sentimental about the holidays. Of course, I miss my family, but not just during the holidays.

As you know, I have been working on all the details to get the English classes started in February of 2015. There have been some great developments in the past month. We are still working on the building to house the school, but unfortunately, the funds to complete it are coming in slowly. I had been a little worried about how we were going to move forward without a building. Then Richie told me about a small university located in the city where he had rented out space for a missions meeting. He explained that there were rooms there available for rent. I went there and talked to the cooridinator of the school. It turned out that not only did the university have the rooms and times available for rent at a reasonable price, but that they were also looking for an English teacher. The English classes that they offer are only held on the weekends, so they wouldn't interfere with any of the CDR classes. Also, the classes they offer are really only introductions to the English language, so it is a great opportunity to recruit students for CDR. Lastly, the money that I receive from the teaching position will be used to pay the rent for our own English classes! All this totally felt like something God had prepared for us! I can see that He is setting us up for success.

This past week has started our application process for the classes, and I have been walking around the city giving out flyers with information. As I have been speaking to those at the local businesses, many have expressed interest in joining the classes, especially interest in enrolling their children. Being that I am a native English speaker, it gives our project a lot of credibility in the city, as well as all the connections Richie has been able to make in his short time here. We are on our way. We are starting small, but I do believe we will start well.

Now that we are not under pressure to finish the building, we can work on it slowly as the funds become available. Of course, if you are interested in helping us finish, please contact me.

As I said before, I feel that God is moving things along in the right direction. Being a missionary, you find out quickly how little control you have over everything. We are so dependent on God and his provision. That can be very scary and very exciting at the same time! But of course, when you experience God coming through for you, you feel humbled and loved. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness!

As always, I want to thank and bless all of you. I know your prayers are a large part of my success here. There is no distance in the spiritual realm. I ask that you would continue to pray for the success of the CDR English school and for the funds to finish our building. I ask that you would pray for me to continue to build meaningful relationships in my new city. I want to bless you as well, that you would experience success in the projects that God has put in front of you to do. That he would show you his provision. I also pray for the health of your relationships, that God would touch those relationships in your life that are lost or broken. I pray that he would bring restoration and healing.

In early December, I will be returning to Altamira to spend the month visiting with my friends there. Being here alone in Portel can be difficult, and it is important that I go back to get some much needed relational time. I will talk to you all soon!

Love you and God bless!


Kids playing Volleyball at the Mission

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Adventures on the River

Hello Friends, Family, and Supporters!

Always good to write to you all and tell you about all the good things that I get to be apart of on a regular basis. This is my first month in Portel, and already, I feel a sense of purpose and connection to work God has started here.
Last week, I had the privilege of going out on the river with the team that delivers water filters. This is a project that was started in Porto de Moz when Richie and his family were based there. Now, they have moved the project to the Marajó region, which is where Portel is located. The project is very simple and effective. The team spends a few months making the filters which are basically made out of sand and concrete. The sand filters the water making it drinkable. Then, they load all the filters (which are very heavy) onto the boat and head out to the communities who live on the river.
Most of the people who live there go directly to the river for their drinking water. As you can imagine, they are constantly struggling with diarrhea and parasites as well as other health problems because of the quality of the water. The filters give them clean, drinking water with a system that is easy to maintain.
A Water Filter in a River Home

I wanted to go on the trip to experience the project for myself, but also to see how I could bless the people that we visited. I brought some goodies along me to give away: candy, markers, tooth paste, tooth brushes, and some basic medicines. As we stopped at each house, we were able to bless some of the people and the kids by giving away the gifts until we ran out. We also offered to pray for the families, and they willingly accepted.
Some of the kids with their presents

At one of the houses that we stopped, there was an old woman who could no longer talk or move very much and was being taken care of by her daughter. I assume that she had probably had a stroke, and her daughter said that she had been that way for 5 years. I laid my hand on the woman and as soon as we began to pray, she began to cry and moan. Of course, we had no idea what she was feeling, but I could imagine the suffering she might be experiencing from being literally trapped in her own body for years. I asked God's Spirit to fill her and comfort her and give her peace. I prayed that His presence would let her know that she is never alone. I felt blessed that God had called us out onto the river to be a light to the people there.
I was also very impressed with the team of men who were responsible for delivering the filters. You can't imagine how hard they worked everyday to deliver 90 filters in a week. There were so many challenges for them, but they faced them all. Loiro is the leader of the team, and he went to each house, asking the families if they wanted the filters as well as explaining to them how they worked. Elizeu not only worked hard all day, but then also gave a short service for one of the families later one night. And all of them, after each day, played soccer with the people from the communities, building friendships with them. I felt truly honored to be among such great servants.
Delivering a Filter

The day after we came back from the trip was Children's Day here in Brazil. So, our church had an event for the neighborhood kids in the morning. It was a lot of fun, and we had about 50 kids show up.
They had to dance and balance the orange at the same time!

Now, I am back in Portel, and working hard toward the goal of preparing for the school. There is a lot to be done, but I have faith that God is helping to move this dream to a reality each day. I recently created a page on my facebook that will give updates about the progress of our school as well as our other projects, like the water filters. It's CDR Social Marajó. Please go check it out!

As always, I want to thank all of you for your sincere support and faithfulness to our mission in Brazil. Our goal is to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth, and we do that everyday in big ways and small. Thank you for being apart of that. Thank you for seeing the possibilities and investing in people you have never met, but have decided to love because of Christ. I believe that what you are seeing here is only the beginning. My dream is to continue to grow a place where the people of this region can come in and experience the goodness of God in every area of their lives. God bless your families. Bless you with a deeper knowledge of God's love and delight over you. That he sacrificed it all to give you freedom in the inner parts of your soul.

Love you,


Please see the rest of the pictures from my trip on the link below.

Water Filter Trip

Monday, September 15, 2014

First Steps

 Hello Supporters and Friends!

I hope all is well for you! I have finally moved to Portel! It took about a week to get from Altamira to having my stuff moved in and organized, but now I am starting to settle in. I am very excited to get started with the school project, as well as become familiar with my new city.
One of the things that has been amazing is the house I was able to rent. It's not too expensive, but it's quite large and beautiful. It has 3 bedrooms, bathroom and living room, as well as a veranda and backyard. Because there is so much space, I was able to help out Richie's family by storing some of their things from their old house in Porto de Moz. Manoela will be staying in the other bedroom when she comes. I need to make a few upgrades to the house, like putting screens on the windows to keep out the mosquitoes, but nothing major. It is also very close to the beach. Another great thing about Portel is that the city is small enough that I can ride a bike to get around. It is very charming!

The Front Veranda

 The team here has been working away to finish off the building that will be used for our church and school. They have come a long way, but still need to install a roof. Once the roof is on, they plan to finish at least one of the rooms for now. They currently need an additional $5000 for the roof and the first room. If you are interested in donating to help complete this project, please go to this link Or you can contact me directly at

The Building at its current progress

 One of the projects that Richie and his team has already started here is the Water Filter Project. Basically, they build cement water filters, and then take them out to the river communities and give them away. The filters are effective and easy to maintain, and of course, help provide clean water to those who use the river water for everything. One of the sponsors for the project asked for a picture, so we sent them this.

Some of the kids from our church

I want to thank all of you who have been so faithful in helping me get to this next step in the journey. I have such high hopes for what can be accomplished in this precious town. I ask that you please continue to pray for me for God's protection and direction. I feel extremely blessed to be working for the King, and you should, too! I want to also bless all of you and your families. I pray that God continues to meet you daily, and continues to show you his undying and eternal love. He is truly our friend forever. There is a verse in Hebrews that has been on my heart lately, and I want to share it with you.  
 "For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.  Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Hebrews 2:17-18

What a merciful and gentle God we have, one who sacrificed so much to be with us and fight for us. He is truly worthy of everything we have to offer him. 

God bless you all, 
Take Care, 


Please take a look at the link for more pictures. 

First Week in Portel

Monday, August 18, 2014

Go Team VCDC!!!

Hello to the Best Supporters!

Just a few days ago marked my official first 2 years in Brazil! What a journey it has been. You all have been there with me through the whole thing, and you are still here as God's calling and purpose for my life continues to be revealed each day. I am very proud that I have made it this far and that there is still much ahead. I am looking forward to the future.
Last month, I had the privilege of spending a few weeks with a team from VCDC as they visited the river communities around Portel. We had a great time getting to know one another and hanging out on the boat. Everyday, we would stop in a new community and spend the day there. There were always lots of kids around, and the team painted their faces and gave them balloons and candy. Some of the brave men from the team also played soccer with the locals, which I found very impressive. Brazilians often play soccer in their bare feet on rocky, grass fields. The Americans did their best to keep up, but nevertheless, many found themselves with a lot of aches and pains after! At night, after they had recovered, we would have a service for the people with worship, prayer, and testimonies from the team members. All of the communities we visited consist of relationships that are fairly new, so the team helped us greatly to make a good impression on them. I'm sure we will be invited back in the future.

I am still here in Altamira, and plan on officially leaving on September 8th. I will meet Richie on his boat in a city called Porto de Moz, and from there, we will go together to Portel. While I was visiting Portel with the team, I was able to rent a house. I am very excited about this house because it is large with a yard, not too hot, and close to the beach! It is also not very expensive, and I feel like it is a blessing from God and exactly what I wanted. I will show you pictures when I get there.
In the meantime, we have had some new missionaries arrive at the base, and I have been helping them get settled in. They will both be teaching at CDR, so I have been training them on how the school functions as well as their responsibilities there.
As you can imagine, I am anxious to start the next phase of this journey. Each time I visit Portel, I become more aware of the needs there and how I can be apart of meeting them. I thank you all for your prayers. I desire to be useful to the Kingdom of God in big ways and small. Please pray that everyday, that becomes more of a reality.
And I thank you all for your faithful financial support. It is a privilege to take what you have given me and use it to help bless others. God bless you all.

Love, Allison

VCDC Team Pics

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Gift of Opportunity

 Hello To all Friends and Faithful Supporters!!!

As always, I am so grateful for all of you. Everyday that I move forward here, I have you to thank for it. Your generosity and sacrifice are a major key to my success.
I want to highlight a special person for you this month to show you yet another way that you are helping to make a difference.

One of my students, Nayara Sabrina, is exceptional. Over the time that I have known her, she has learned English quickly.  She was always a very active participant in class, asking a lot of questions. Her hunger to learn has been a delight for me as a teacher.
Nayara grew up in the country where she was very isolated. The schooling that she received was good but inconsistent. Her teachers were sent from the city, so she and her fellow students could not have class everyday. However, her parents were intentional about encouraging her in her education, and Nayara has a special love for studying.
When she was 17, she received a scholarship to go to the Federal University in Altamira. She and her family moved to the city, and Nayara began studying for a degree in biology.
Nayara had a desire to learn English, and the English classes provided at CDR were affordable for her family. She said that her original reason for wanting to learn was so that she could translate her own worship songs into English!
During my time with her, we would try to get together once a week and practice speaking in English, and I would often help her to translate documents and projects for her college assignments.
I admire her focus and joy. She is only 20 years old, but she knows exactly what she wants. She is always charming and curious. She also says that now, God has given her other desires as well for learning English. Being that she is a biology major, understanding English gives her many more opportunities. She can read articles published in English concerning her field, and she has the possibility of studying at other universities.
A few months ago, Nayara took the TOEFL test, which is an international standardized English test, in order to apply for a scholarship to study in the US. She passed the test, and recently, was accepted by the Science Without Borders program to study in the US. She received a full scholarship to go to the University of Miami for a year and a half, starting this fall. For the first 6 months, she will take English classes, and then, she will continue on to complete her degree in biology there.
It has been amazing to be apart of this process with her. It is such a gift to watch someone's dreams come true. I have no doubt that Nayara will make the best of this opportunity, and that doors will continue to open for her in the future.
It also makes me very grateful for places like CDR. It is so easy to see how it can make a difference for the people of Brazil. Being apart of investing in the potential of others is a great gift.
Please keep Nayara in your prayers as she takes this big step in her life. Pray that she adjusts well to living in the US, and that her family is blessed as they let her go.

Love, Allison

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Hello to all my Followers and Faithful Supporters!

I hope all is going well for you! I know that the Spring has finally arrived in Ohio, and I'm sure all of you are especially thankful for it this year! In Brazil, the rainy season is ending, which means it will be hotter and there will be a lot of dust. Here in Altamira, they are working on a project to add a new sewage/water system and have systematically torn up almost every street in the city. The streets weren't that great to begin with, and now, they have more holes than they have paved parts. As you can imagine, it makes driving a bit of a nightmare and the dust is 10 times worse! Needless to say, I already miss the rain.
Also at this time, CDR classes are ending. This will be my last semester teaching at the CDR in Altamira. It causes me to reflect on what has taken place over the past 2 years. When I arrived here, I had no teaching experience, nor did I speak any Portuguese, and I got thrown into the mix. I had to learn fast how things worked. Luckily, I had some great people around me who taught me a lot, as well as some really great students who were patient with me. I learned that I actually really enjoyed teaching, and that I was pretty good at it. I have learned a lot of new methods on how to really engage the students, and hopefully, get them excited about learning, too. I can't tell you how grateful I am to God for positioning me here in Brazil, doing something that I love. You too, have been a big part in making that happen, and I am very thankful.
The next few months marks the conclusion to my time here in Altamira, and it is bittersweet. I will miss my friends here so much, but I am also looking forward to my new adventure in Portel. I will spend this time working on my final preparations to move, as well as enjoying my last moments with all those I have grown to love so much. Just to name a few that I am leaving behind, there is Cleide, whom I have already told you so much about. She has been like family to me. There is Gustavo and Marcelino, who both have spent so much time making me laugh. There is Steve and Elba, who have guided me through all the rough patches and helped me to continue. There is Cyndi and Art, who have delighted in me and also listened to my struggles. And many, many more. Leaving people behind is definitely one of the hardest parts about being a missionary.
I am also going to use this time to continue working on my classes for VI. I am currently taking a class called Assimilation. It is about the importance and use of church systems, and how to use them to make your church grow. I am excited about learning these things, and hopefully, putting them into practice in the future. After this class, I only have one more, and then, I will graduate. It will be nice to have that under my belt.
As usual, I will add a link to my pictures below. This past month, we had our CDR project, which involved us going to a local elementary school. This time, we taught about "Safe Touch". It's a program that helps kids recognize abuse and how to deal with it if it's happening. I also included some pictures of my students from our last days together. And finally, there are a few pictures of our Alpha group, which will be concluding in a few weeks. Going through the Alpha program has been a great experience for our church. They are hoping to do another one in the future.
I, of course, want to thank all of you for your continued and faithful support. I have been so blessed and honored by all of you. I appreciate all your comments of support through facebook and on the blog. Knowing that you guys believe in me greatly encourages me. And I want you to be encouraged, too. I pray that God continues to give back to you what you have given. That he blesses you, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally with refreshment and rest. I pray that he takes away your fear and worry with his constant love. Bless you all.
On a side note, my back has been hurting me a lot lately. Please pray that God will heal it. Thank you!

Love, Allison

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Praying for a woman in our Alpha Group 

Last Days at CDR

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Hello to all my Friends and Family!

I miss you all, and hope everything is going well for you.
It's been an exciting month here in Altamira, as we celebrated the marriage of Christopher and Denise. It was an incredible wedding. When Denise starting walking down the aisle, everybody started crying, including Christopher and Denise! I took some pictures for all of you to see with a link below. It was a truly beautiful day, and I was so happy to watch my two friends give their lives to each other.
Another amazing thing that also happened on the wedding day is my friend, Cleide, had a new baby girl named Liah! She is so beautiful, of course, and I got to spend some time with them in the hospital the day after. We are lucky to have so much to celebrate on the same day!

Things here have been pretty routine. I've been teaching at night, and working on developing my lesson plan for when I get to Portel. I still have a lot to learn about teaching English. It can be difficult to explain when you don't fully understand the other language, like Portuguese. It's always a work in progress, but I'm excited to be on the journey. I'm also trying to learn as much as I can about how the school functions, and what I will need to do to make it a success.
 I have been talking with Manoela, and it sounds like she is making the decision to come with me to Portel. She will probably come in March, when the school starts its first semester. I am very excited about this, and I know that it will be a great opportunity for both of us. 

Our church has also started doing the Alpha Course every Friday night. So far, it has been a great experience, and some of the people from our small group have been attending. I love the simplicity of the Alpha Program, as it offers a place for relationship as well as curiosity about following Jesus.

We have also been continuing our ministry to the homeless. Once a month, we take food and basic supplies to various places around the city and offer to pray for the people we find there. It was been a privilege to serve these men and women and bless their lives. Our team will be meeting this month to discuss other ways that we can begin helping serve the poor in our city.

I also want to mention to all of you that since I came back from my visit to the States, I have seen a great increase in my level of support every month. This is a huge encouragement to me. Having the funds I need to do the work I am doing here is a major relief. I also feel greatly loved and supported by all of you because you have chosen to invest in what I am doing in Brazil. I believe in the work here, and I know that you do, too. Thank you all so much for your sacrifice.

 I am very grateful to have you all on my team. Bless all of you! Enjoy the pictures.

Love, Allison

Christopher and Denise's Wedding

Monday, April 14, 2014

Portel Trip

Hello Friends and Family!

I have been back from our trip to Portel for a little over a week now, and I am anxious to tell you how it went. Being there again reminded me how much I like the city. It reminds me of one of those beach towns off the coast of North Carolina that I used to go to as a kid. Well, expect its a river instead of an ocean! But it still doesn't lack for charm and sentiment.
Richie and his team have already made a lot of progress in getting acquainted with the city and its residence. They have already started holding a church service on the boat with at least 3 or 4 families attending. There are also several children involved, some of them coming without their families. It was a pleasure to be apart of one of their services, and see how quickly they are growing.

Church on the Boat

As I said before, Richie has succeeded in laying the foundation for the school. His first priority is to finish at least one room, which will be used for both our classroom and to hold church services in the beginning. He is currently working on raising financial support of around $10,000.00 to complete the first room. If you would be interested in helping to support this project, you can click on the link below connected to Porto de Moz. You can also contact me or Richie directly.
Richie Bouthillier:

The Foundation for the School
Richie and I also had a meeting while I was there to figure out what we need to do to get the school ready, including supplies and materials. We are working on putting a budget together of all the things we will need from desks to printers to markers. I will let you know more about that when it is ready and how you can help. I also had the pleasure of meeting an English teacher who works in Portel in the public school. He speaks excellent English, and is interested in helping with our project.

 Manoela, Denise, and Christopher enjoyed the trip as well. We spent some time swimming and getting to know the city. We also spent a lot of time with Richie's family playing Wii! Richie and I also drove around looking for apartments for when I am ready to move, at least to get an idea of what is available. Throughout the trip, I was trying to get a feel for how Manoela was taking it all in. She is a slow processor and needs time to digest information. I wanted to give her the space she needed to think about if she could really see herself there in the future. I think one thing that really impressed upon her was the amount of kids around. She has a deep desire to help people have a better life, and she could see the need around her. She still has not decided, and that's OK. I want her to make the right decision for her. Please pray for Manoela that God directs her feet on the path he has planned for her.

One of the things Richie and I spent time talking about is a group called i-61. ( The name comes from Isaiah 61, which is one of my favorite passages of Scripture. It talks about how Jesus will redeem every area of our lives. It paints a picture of the Kingdom of Heaven coming to Earth. I believe, as the church, we have a calling to join with Christ and bring this redemption to the world. That is why I want to build this school. I believe it can be one aspect of this redemption process. This organization, i-61, has that same vision, and is working to make it a reality throughout the world. Please check out their video below.

What is i-61?

I hope all this info gives you a good idea of what my future holds. Of course, if you have any questions, please never hesitate to ask. I feel really good about where I am going. I feel that I will be using my talents and abilities to honor God and those around me. Please pray that God continues to give me strength as I walk into new territory. Pray that he protects me from distractions and setbacks. Pray that I am surrounded by his love.
Thank you and bless you all. I also pray good into your lives. I pray perseverance and joy in the face of suffering. I pray that you lean on each other more in vulnerability and weakness, and that you allow grace to hold you together. Mercy and peace to all of you.

Love, Allison

Portel Trip Pictures

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sad Times

Hello to all my Faithful Friends and Supporters Back Home.

I want to start off by thanking you all for your amazing support and sacrifice and faithfulness to me and my family. You guys are truly the best, and I am lucky to have you.
As many of you probably already know, my brother Caleb Mark Hamer, died on February 26. He was only 26 years old, and leaves behind an 8 year old son, also named Caleb. My father called me the day after it happened, and of course, I was heartbroken. Immediately, I was thanking the Lord that I got to see him one more time before he passed. I realized how much my recent visit was really provision from God.
Caleb was unique. He was so funny in his very own special way. And Caleb was humble. He was a grateful person who wanted to help others when he could. And he loved his son.
I remember one story of when my brothers were little that always makes me laugh. My 3 younger brothers were all very strong and close in age. Caleb was in the middle and the strongest. One day, when they were just toddlers, the two other brothers, Joel and Joshua, were fighting over one of those plastic Tonya trucks. Joel had one leg hanging out of one side and Joshua had one leg hanging out of the other. During the fight, Caleb walks over and starts shaking the truck as hard as he could. Both Joel and Joshua fall out of the truck and Caleb jumps in and starts driving it around. It was hilarious! He was a tough boy, but he had a soft and fun-loving heart. I will miss him so much.
Many of you came together for his Memorial Service and Reception at our church to help and participate. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I thank you so much for embracing my family in our time of need and grieving. My sister in law even commented to me about how kind you were to them, and how lucky I am to have such great people around me. I agree with her.
Also, many of you may remember Steve and Elba Dolan. They also work here at the Xingu Mission and were there on the day I preached at VTC. Their family has also suffered loses recently. Steve's brother-in-law passed away when they were still in the States, and just a few days ago, Steve's dad also passed away. Their family just left to go back to the States again for the funeral. I can only imagine how difficult it has been to have two big blows like that in such a short amount of time.
I ask that you keep both my family and Steve and Elba's family in your prayers. That God would bring true comfort in the mist of grieving. And that God would bring something good out of our suffering.
Even in this heartbreak, things are continuing to moving forward here at the Mission. I am planning to travel to Portel next week to visit again. I will be traveling with my friend, Manoela, and also Christopher and his fiance, Denise. Richie and his family are getting settled in there, and they have already started building a foundation for the school. I am very excited to see his progress, as well as find out what we need to do next in order to keep the project going ahead. Please pray for safe travels and wisdom.
I want to pray for you all as well. I just bless each of you with the tangible experience of God's awesome love for you. For those of you who are sick or have sick family members, I speak healing and restoration over your bodies. I pray that, whatever struggle you are going through, the joy of the Lord would be your strength and salvation. I bless you in your finances that you would have the ability to take care of your own needs and also the needs of others. I lift up your relationships that peace and forgiveness would rule them all. Thank you again for your love for me. God bless.


Allison Rupert

Caleb with his mom, Debbie Hamer, this past January

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back to Work!

Hello Guys!!

So, I hear it is finally starting to warm up there in the north! My short experience with winter this year was quite the reminder of how much I don't enjoy it. I'm glad for all of you that its coming to an end! I am also very happy to be back here in the warm, tropical climate of Brazil. It is the rainy season now, so it is not too hot. It's perfect.
Despite the weather, I had a great time seeing all of you again. I really enjoyed the opportunity to preach at church and just share with all of you what I have been doing over the past year and a half. It was unfortunate that we weren't able to have church on my last Sunday there because of the snow. I know, however, that the church is still planning on having a lunch to talk about my plans here in Brazil and how you can get involved. I hope you will be able to make it!
Next time I come to visit, it will definitely be in the summer so that I can stay longer and get to spend more time with all of you!
So, now that I am back in Brazil, I have settled back into my life as normal. I have been teaching a CDR again, which has started off great. This semester, I am helping my friend, Cleide, in one of the lower level classes. Most of these students don't understand very much English, and as it turns out, neither do I! You may find this strange, but even though you are able to speak a language does not mean you know how to explain it to others. I am constantly learning new things that I always took for granted. Cleide is a great teacher, and without her, I would be completely lost! I know that my time with her will successfully prepare me for my venture in Portel.
My goal since I have been back is to slowly start preparing things for my move to Portel. My preparations are already underway, and God has already helped me so much. I have a friend here who is from Germany, and she will be leaving next month to move home. Because she is moving, she wants to sell all of her things. I jumped on the opportunity to buy them because when I move, I will have to buy everything. So far, the mission has provided most of what I need for an apartment, but I will have nothing when I leave here. So I worked out a deal with my friend to buy everything for around $750! That includes a washing machine, a refrigerator, a stove, table and chairs, etc.! It is such great timing for both of us, and I feel very blessed by this.
I just want to say again how great it was to see all of you. I was so thankful for all of your kind and encouraging words. You made me feel welcomed and loved and cherished. I know that you guys are thinking about me even when I'm not there. I know that I am in your hearts, just as you are in mine. I'm glad that you have chosen to continue with me on this journey. Thank you.

Me, my Dad, and my brothers

Below is a link with the pictures I took on my travels back to the US. Enjoy!

The States 2014

Love, Allison