Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Gift of Opportunity

 Hello To all Friends and Faithful Supporters!!!

As always, I am so grateful for all of you. Everyday that I move forward here, I have you to thank for it. Your generosity and sacrifice are a major key to my success.
I want to highlight a special person for you this month to show you yet another way that you are helping to make a difference.

One of my students, Nayara Sabrina, is exceptional. Over the time that I have known her, she has learned English quickly.  She was always a very active participant in class, asking a lot of questions. Her hunger to learn has been a delight for me as a teacher.
Nayara grew up in the country where she was very isolated. The schooling that she received was good but inconsistent. Her teachers were sent from the city, so she and her fellow students could not have class everyday. However, her parents were intentional about encouraging her in her education, and Nayara has a special love for studying.
When she was 17, she received a scholarship to go to the Federal University in Altamira. She and her family moved to the city, and Nayara began studying for a degree in biology.
Nayara had a desire to learn English, and the English classes provided at CDR were affordable for her family. She said that her original reason for wanting to learn was so that she could translate her own worship songs into English!
During my time with her, we would try to get together once a week and practice speaking in English, and I would often help her to translate documents and projects for her college assignments.
I admire her focus and joy. She is only 20 years old, but she knows exactly what she wants. She is always charming and curious. She also says that now, God has given her other desires as well for learning English. Being that she is a biology major, understanding English gives her many more opportunities. She can read articles published in English concerning her field, and she has the possibility of studying at other universities.
A few months ago, Nayara took the TOEFL test, which is an international standardized English test, in order to apply for a scholarship to study in the US. She passed the test, and recently, was accepted by the Science Without Borders program to study in the US. She received a full scholarship to go to the University of Miami for a year and a half, starting this fall. For the first 6 months, she will take English classes, and then, she will continue on to complete her degree in biology there.
It has been amazing to be apart of this process with her. It is such a gift to watch someone's dreams come true. I have no doubt that Nayara will make the best of this opportunity, and that doors will continue to open for her in the future.
It also makes me very grateful for places like CDR. It is so easy to see how it can make a difference for the people of Brazil. Being apart of investing in the potential of others is a great gift.
Please keep Nayara in your prayers as she takes this big step in her life. Pray that she adjusts well to living in the US, and that her family is blessed as they let her go.

Love, Allison