How are you? I sincerely hope you are all doing well. I hope that whether or not your circumstances are good, that at least your heart is doing good and is full of peace.
So, I will go ahead and get started catching you up on the latest here in the Amazon Region of Brazil. Last time, I told you about the Intervinha Regional Conference featuring Phil Strout, and Danny and Penny Meyer. Well, it was amazing! It was so good to hear messages in English, and they spoke right to my heart. It was really what I needed for encouragement. I also got a change to spend some time with Danny and Penny Meyer because they stayed to visit with their son, Christopher. I loved getting to know them better, and just feeling their support and encouragement for me. They are a really special couple.
Well, CDR has started again, so I am teaching again, and I must say that I love teaching. It is such a privilege to not only teach these kids something that will help them in the future, but also to speak into their lives about the love Jesus has for them. It is very rewarding for me.
I have also been able to teach some at the Youth Group at church. The last time I talked, I explained to the kids about spiritual gifts, and how they could use those gifts to reach the lost. After I taught, I broke them up into groups of 3. In each group, the kids were suppose to pray for one another and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to them. If they heard anything, they were suppose to tell the person what they heard. To my excitement, many of the kids were deeply touched by the Holy Spirit, and God used these kids to speak powerful words of encouragement and healing to one another.
Also, I want to mention that there have been no new developments on my ideas of moving to Macapa. I have not heard any clear direction from God on how or when to move forward. So, I would like it if you continued praying that God speak to me clearly about the future he had in store for me. I, of course, will keep you informed.
Ok, so you are probably curious about this Good News and Bad News thing. Let me start with the Good News!
So, I've decided that because I miss all of you so much that I am going to come home for a visit early! That's right. I originally had planned not to come home for another year, but I talked to my superiors, and they said it would be fine for me to come back early. So, I have decided to come back for the month of January. I will be on a break from CDR that month, so I will not miss anything happening here. I will be staying with my mom in Georgia for about a week and then heading to Columbus to spend some time with you all! I can't wait to see you again!!!
Ok, now for the Bad News. Financial Support.
Let me explain the situation. Over the past two months, I have not received almost $1000 worth of support. I need around $1500 a month to continue to stay here and work, and I have only received around $1000 the past two months. This is really significant. If this trend continues, it will wipe out the saved funds I have in just a few months, and I will have to go home. And not just for a visit.
I know that each of you supports what I am doing here in Brazil and would like to see me continue it. Its important. I believe in what I am doing, and I believe that God has a future for me here.
I ask that if you are not already supporting me financially, that you would make the decision to start. And I ask that if you are already supporting me financially, that you would consider raising your support every month. I want to remind you all that monthly, consistent support is the best way to invest.
I also want to remind of how grateful I am to all of you who have been so faithful to me through every kind of support you give, be it financial, emotional, moral, or spiritual. You guys are my team, and nothing I do here is possible without you. I hope that I do a good enough job helping you feel connected to the work of God here. I know its easy to feel distant from it or that your life doesn't have an effect on things down here, but its not true. You are so intricately connected, and what you are doing makes a profound difference.
I love you all so very much, and I am so looking forward to seeing you soon. Below is list of ways that you can give financially, if you so choose. Thank you again.
*You can allocate the funds at church
for me by check or cash for: Xingu Mission-Allison Rupert.
*You can mail your support
directly to the mission:
Xingu Mission-Allison Rupert
PO Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio 43234
Xingu Mission-Allison Rupert
PO Box 340785
Columbus, Ohio 43234
can also donate online
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Intervinha Regional Conference
Penny and I at the Intervinha Conference |
Intervinha Regional Conference