Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Feliz Natal!

Hello My Faithful Supporters and Friends!

Feliz Natal e Proximo Ano Novo!

That means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Portuguese. Well, as you know, this will be my first Christmas in Brazil. You may be wondering how different it is here compared to the States. I must say that Christmas is greatly understated here. They still get together and celebrate with their families, and they still get and give presents. But in this month of December, I don't think I have heard one Christmas song, and I haven't seen one advertisement telling me about the best toys to buy for this Christmas season. I know some of you really love Christmas, but I have to say that for me, they lack of hype is refreshing. Of course, I will miss getting to spend Christmas with my family and having dinner together.

I am glad to tell you that the Single Women's group I am leading is starting to do really well! We have some new girls coming, and we recently introduced childcare for the group. We have a lot of young mothers, and we are hoping that this encourages more of them to come. Thank you for your prayers for these girls, and please continue to pray for them to grow in the knowledge of Christ's love for them.

Last week, I got to teach my first message to our Youth Group here. My friend, Cleide, translated for me. I taught them about the importance of experiencing Christ's unconditional love for them, and what a profound impact it has on their walk with God. I think the message had a powerful effect on some of them as we talked afterwards. A few of my students from CDR also came to listen. I feel like even in my short time here, God is already really using me to spread the Gospel. I feel really blessed to be able to speak his word into the lives of others.

Every year, CDR does a project for the community. This year, they chose a school of elementary students to serve. So 2 weeks ago, we spent the day at this school, and taught the children how to recognize abuse. The CDR team did skits, sang songs, and gave workshops to the children that gave them the tools and understanding they need to see the difference between discipline and abuse. We also explained to them how much Jesus loved them. We explained that even though others may treat you badly, Jesus will never treat you badly and will always see you as precious. It was an awesome time of being able to minister to these children, and show them how much they are worth. I posted some pictures below.

Next month, I will be on vacation from teaching at CDR, and so I plan to go traveling. There are many other missionary bases in the region I am located, and I want to visit the other places to see if I would be interested in possibly joining their team. As I told you before, I will probably spend a year in Altamira, and then ideally, I will join another church plant in the region to help it grow.

On a personal note, I have been having a lot of problems with my back in the last month. I have been experiencing a lot of pain, and it makes it hard for me to get around as much. Please, pray for me that God either heals me or gives me some provision to make the pain go away.

As always, I love you guys and I bless you and thank you for your support. None of this would be possible without you. I bless your families. I speak God's healing and restoration over every area of your lives. May you grow more and more in the knowledge of God's love and sacrifice for you!

Love, Allison

Crazy Cleide, always entertaining!

Images of Love

Images of Abuse

If you would like to see all the pictures from the project, please follow the link below.

CDR Project 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Can you believe it, I've been in Brazil for almost 3 months now! I am settling into my new life, getting a routine, and continuing to become more and more familiar with how things are done here. I feel good here, and I think I am adjusting well. But I must say, I miss you guys!!! Its hard to be away from all of you. Sometimes, I wish I could just go over to your house or call you up to go see a movie or eat pizza.
In some ways, I am a little lonely. I certainly do not lack for friendships here. I have met so many people that I really enjoy and am happy to know, but there is something to be said for having a history with people. You guys know me well, and my relationships here are only just beginning. I am confident that my new relationships will build, but of course, that takes time. I want you all to know that I'm thankful for the history we have built together over the years.
Last time, I told you that I was starting a small group for the single women in our church, and now we have been meeting for a month. The group is starting off well, but as with anything in the beginning, there are a few challenges. One is that I still am learning Portuguese, so that of course, is a barrier to helping me lead the group. The other challenges have to do with building momentum and consistent structure into the group. My hope is that the presence of God really shows up in these women's lives. Please, keep our group in your prayers.
A few weeks ago, I went on the another Fiel Retreat (they have them once a month). We went to another city about 4 hours away called Uruara. A Brazilian couple and their 3 children moved there about 2 years ago to start a new church plant. We were there to encourage them and also have services for their church community. This couple, Poli and Nega, are very special to me as I met them 4 years ago when I came here for the first time. I really connected with them then, and I was glad to learn that they still remembered me, and even had a picture of me that they kept in their home. Being able to see each other again was encouraging for both of us, and was a great conformation to me of God's faithfulness. He really does bring us full circle if we will trust and follow him.
Please also keep their family in your prayers as they work to build their church in Uruara. And thank you, all of you, for your friendship, your support, your prayers, your love, and your faithfulness to Christ. Bless you and your families! And have a good Thanksgiving! (Eat some turkey for me!)
Poli, Nega, Poliana, and Samuel 4 years ago

Their youngest son, Gabriel

 More Pictures from Fiel Retreat in Uruara

Monday, October 8, 2012


So, for those of you who know me well, you know that I am out-spoken, direct, and to the point in my communication style. Though this has its benefits, it can also have a major downside of coming off as rude and harsh. It is never my intention to hurt people. I just assume that they think like I do, and therefore my explanations and observations will be obvious. Well, of course, my assumptions are diluted.
In coming to Brazil, I hoped for many things, one of them being growth. I hoped that God had called me here to change me in new ways. I wanted to grow in Christ-like character. Asking for something like this is essentially like asking for pain and discomfort. I knew this, but I wanted it anyway. So, here I am, and God is always faithful to deliver on his promise to transform us.
The Brazilian people have a different approach to communication than I do. They are polite, and they often keep most of their criticism (even productive) to themselves. In a place where relationships are highly regarded, showing respect and courtesy is of the utmost importance. In American culture, this attitude is a bit harder to find, given our strong values for individualism and speaking our minds. It was much harder (though not impossible) to recognize how I appeared to others before, but being in Brazil has made this character defect much more noticeable and easy to pen point. Transformation is never easy, but with God's help and intercession, it is entirely possible. I am grateful that God is using this place to help me grow in love--even if its painful.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18

That's what is happening with me spiritually on this journey, but I also want to let you know what is happening on other fronts.

I am taking a lot of Portuguese classes, and I am definitely growing in my ability to understand others, but I still have a looooooonnngggg way to go!!! Please, pray that I continue to stay motivated and focused, and that my speaking abilities increase.

Something I am very excited about is that I will be starting a new home group for young adult and single women in a few weeks! I will be co-leading it with my roommate and another woman in our church. I believe it will be a great opportunity for me to grow in more relationships with the women here, and also help them to grow in a deeper knowledge of the love Jesus has for them.

Two weeks ago, I went on a weekend retreat called Fiel (Faith). We spent time studying the Word of God (all in Portuguese, of course), worshiping, and having lots of fun! I want you to know that the Brazilian people are passionate about worship, and they are hungry for God. In many ways, it has challenged me to reevaluate my own heart and commitment to my relationship with God. Below are a few pictures from our trip.

Lastly, but not least, I want to again thank you for your support both financially and in prayer. I want to remind you that you are sowing into the Kingdom of Heaven and into the lives of so many. God bless you and your family. God bless you in your hardships and struggles. And God bless you as you patiently wait for his salvation and provision in every area of your life. Amen!

Serious about Worship!

This is some crazy ninja game they came up with.

Always a good time to play soccer.

If you want to check out more of the pictures I've been taking, please follow the 2 links below.

Fiel Weekend Retreat

Vineyard Church in Altamira

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Beginning

So, I've been here for almost a month now, and what an exciting month it has been. I feel like I am fitting in quite nicely, and that this is truly the place that God wants me to be!
Of course, I have already experienced a thousand changes in just a short period of time. I have moved to a new culture, started a new job, moved into a new place, and made a bunch of new friends. Learning a new language is something that tests you everyday, and little by little, you find that you understand something more than you did the day before. And of course, sometimes, it just makes you frustrated and your brain hurts. So many things that you take for granted are no longer available to you or are simply done differently. Its sort of like being a child again, needing someone else to take you each step of the way. Luckily for me, I have had lots of help since I have been here. I have a new roommate, Elizangela, and she is teaching me how to cook, clean, and go to the grocery store. There is another girl named Cleide (pronounced Clay-ge), one of the other English teachers here, who has proved to be a great help when I need to communicate. She is also quickly becoming one of my best friends.
The people here love to spend time together, and I am always getting invited out to go get ice cream or go the beach by the river. It is very hot, so most of the events like church or other get-to-gethers take place at night. All the classes I teach also are in the evening, so I spend the day time preparing and taking Portuguese classes.
Teaching is also a new experience for me, and I have a lot to learn about it. First of all, just because I know how to speak English doesn't mean I know how to teach it. Who came up with all those grammatical rules, anyways??!! But I'm having fun at my new vocation, and it also affords me the greater opportunity to build relationships and advance the Gospel message. The school that I teach at is run by the Mission, so we get to share the Gospel with the students. Even though many of the students are only there to learn English, Brazilians in general are very open to the Gospel. I share videos and Bible verses with my students on a regular basis, and give them an opportunity to ask questions if they are interested.
Like I said before, I feel really great about being in Brazil, that I am truly in God's will. Everyday, I am thankful that I serve a God who can make our dreams come true. But as with any change in life, there are difficulties to face. Right now, I'm just trying to learn as much as possible without letting myself get too overwhelmed. So, please pray for me that I will adjust well, and that I will continue to learn the language quickly. Thank you!!!

I have posted some pictures below so that you can see what I've been doing.
Also, if you want to see all the pictures I've taken so far, you can go to this link:

This is the school where I work. I also live right behind there, so the commute is short. :)

We live up on a hill, so this is the view of the city from our street.

This is Cleide with her daughter, Haley.
This is my silly roommate, Elizangela.

The youth group meets every Saturday night and often, they do skits to give the Gospel message. They are very powerful.

This is down at the 'caes', which is a place next to the river that has festivals and concerts almost every weekend. These women are dancing the traditional dance of the state of Para. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Glad Tidings!

After much anticipation and hours of paperwork and prayer and fasting, the time is finally here. I'm going to Brazil. I left for Georgia on August 3rd to spend some time with my Mother, and on August 14th, I will be flying to Brazil.
I am going to be leaving behind so many amazing friends. Vineyard Tuttle Crossing, especially, is like an extended family for me. Over the past 5 years, its been the place where I have found encouragement and growth. Some many of you have poured out your hearts to support me, and I will be forever grateful.
Of course, I will also be leaving behind family. Even though I will have the internet to keep in contact with everyone, its won't quite be the same. I have a niece and nephews that I will not be able to watch growing up. So much can change in even a short amount of time. I will miss them terribly.
But I am heading toward something, it is not just loss. I know God will be faithful to me to supply all my needs, not just financially but emotionally. My hope is to become a part of the people in Brazil as much as they become a part of me.
I have talked with Steve Dolan recently, and he assured me that everyone is looking forward to my arrival, and that I will be hitting the ground running. Right away, I will be teaching 4 night classes of English to the young adults there, and I will start learning Portuguese myself.
You can't imagine how blessed I feel to be finally seeing my dream come true. This is just the beginning to a great and enduring adventure. I look forward to sharing many wonderful stories and pictures with you about my journey!!! Thank you again for all your love and support!

Also, just a reminder about giving:

*Please, make your checks out to the Xingu Mission and put Allison Rupert in the Memo.

-You can put your checks in the offering basket at church.
-You can mail your checks directly to the mission at:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785
Columbus, OH 43234

Your friend,
Allison Rupert 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Little Delayed

Hello All!

I hope everyone is doing well! Of course, I want to let you know how things are going with my progress. I had originally planned to leave in mid-July. I had already bought a plane ticket and had pretty much gotten all my affairs together.

Recently, I spoke with Steve Dolan, who is my main contact in Brazil, and he said that the team did not yet feel comfortable with the amount of support I have raised so far. Their goal is that I am set up for success when I arrive, and without the proper support, that could be a big problem.
So, I have rescheduled my flights for mid-August in hopes that I can spend the next month raising enough support.

What will be the most helpful in achieving this goal is gaining Monthly Committed Support. Being able to anticipate how much I will receive each month is crucial for my success. Many cannot agree to a monthly commitment, and I completely understand your position. For those who can only support by a one-time gift or occasional support, I want you to know that I still really appreciate and need your help. However, if any of you are able to commit for the next 2 years to even a small amount, between $10-$25, that would also be a big help. My time commitment in Brazil is for at least the next 2 years. After that, you can reevaluate whether or not it would be feasible to continue.

Its been about a year now that I have been working towards getting to Brazil. So many things have had to take place in order for me to get to this point. Despite some of the difficulties and setbacks, I still feel very confident that God is calling me to Brazil. I want to be apart of God bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. I believe that as you support me through prayer and finances, you also become apart of one of the things God is doing in the Earth.
I will keep all of you updated on how my progress moves over the next month. Thank you again for going on this journey with me!

You can mail your check to:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785
Columbus, OH 43234

*Be sure to make your check out to the Xingu Mission, and write Allison Rupert in the memo portion.

Or you can make a donation online:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Great News!!

Hello Everybody!

I know just wrote you not too long ago, but I have some great news, and I couldn't wait to tell you! Earlier this week, I got a call from the Brazilian Consulate in Washington D.C. informing that my VISA has been approved and I should being receiving it in a few weeks!!! As you can imagine, this was amazing to hear and a reminder of God's goodness and faithfulness to me. He always hears my prayers.
So now, I am in high gear. There are still a few more things I need to put in order, but for the most part, I am ready to go. I have already purchased a plane ticket that is scheduled to leave in mid-July. We are in the home stretch.

Very Important! I also need to let everbody know that the way I have been receiving your financial contributions needs to change. Basically, all the money that I receive needs to go directly to the Xingu Mission. They are the ones who will be responsible for me while I'm in Brazil, so they also need to be in charge of the finances. What this means for all my supporters is that, from now on, all your checks should be made out to Xingu Mission, memo: Allison Rupert. If you normally give your funds at church in the offering basket, you can continue to do so. Vineyard Tuttle Crossing will then mail your donations to the Xingu Mission. You can also send your donation directly to them in 2 ways. These options would be the best because this way the funds would reach me the fastest.
You can mail your check to:
Xingu Mission
PO Box 340785
Columbus, OH 43234

Or you can make a donation online:

Well, that is pretty much it for now. I am very excited about how things are moving along. It seems more real now, if you know what I mean. Thank you again for all of your support. Your prayers and giving mean so much to me. I hope that all of you get the sense that this is not about me. This is about what God is doing through all of us. We get to participate in bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth in so many different ways. This is just one of them. Of course, I will continue to keep you posted.

Thanks again!

Allison Rupert

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Progress, Not Perfection

Hi Everybody!
I hope all is well with you and yours! Of course, I am still here plugging away to prepare for my move. It has almost been a year since I started this process, and believe me, I am ready to go! Even though I am feeling impatient and restless, I know that God's timing is the best. He never wastes an opportunity to grow us more in his character.

As you know, I took a short trip to Washington D.C. a few weeks ago to file my VISA. Well, even though I had all the necessary paperwork for the VISA, the consulate explained that because I was technically entering 'indigenous terrority' (which is highly protected by the Brazilian government), my VISA could take up to 6 months! Needless to say, I was not happy about that pronouncement. I explained to them that the other members of my team did not have to wait that long to get theirs, but that did not seem to deture them. I was feeling a little bit defeated at this point, so I drove back home praying that God would give me some special favor. A few days later, I spoke to Steve Dolan who is my main contact with the Xingu Mission. He seemed to think that this was unusual and probably misinformed. It would only be right that my first experience with the Brazilian government would be wrapped in uncertainty. Things are going to be very different there. It is better that I face that reality now! In conclusion, my VISA could be here in 2 months or 6. I have no idea. Let's pray its sooner rather than later.

On a lighter note, I got to visit our K thru 5 class at Vineyard Tuttle Crossing this past week to tell them about my plans to move. They were so excited, they had questions even before I got started! I told them about what I would be doing in Brazil and how I had decided to go. I explained to them that I had felt called to be a missionary since I was young. My hope was to open up their minds to the idea that, maybe one day, they could follow the dreams that God gives them. They were kind enough to lay hands and pray for me, as well as give me a little piggy bank in the shape of a globe full of change! I was grateful for their generosity and for allowing me to share with them my hopes for the future.

Lastly, I wanted to see if any of you were interested in helping out with a Run4God Fundraising Event coming up in the Fall. I'm pretty excited about this event because I think it will have great benefits for both the mission field and the church. If you have never done a 5k, you should know its actually a pretty fun event. You can walk or run, it usually only takes a hour or two, and most offer some goodies afterward. At our 5k, we will have food and live music!  My good friend, Penny, is spearheading this event, and we need some volunteers to make the day a success. We plan on having a meeting this week after church to discuss a few details. If you interested in getting involved, please stop by (probably in the high school room) so we can give you some more information. If you can't make it on Sunday, just shoot me an email.

I hope this gives you all a good idea of where things are at for me. I want to thank you again for all of your support, both financially and emotionally. Its so encouraging to me that you all have been willing to help me in so many ways. This really is a team effort, and I am grateful to have such a large team!

Allison Rupert

Friday, April 6, 2012

Heading to Washington DC

Time is moving forward and so am I. Next week, I will be taking a short road trip to Washington DC to file my VISA in person. I've been told by some reliable sources that going there should make the process go much faster. Assuming I have everything in order, I should receive my VISA in 2 or 3 months.

With each step, Brazil is getting closer and closer, and my excitement is growing along with it. God has been so faithful already by making so many things fall into place. My financial support is growing at a great pace. Everyone from church, including my friends and family, have been really encouraging and supportive of me. Penny Barrick has taken the reins for my upcoming fundraising event, a 5K Run 4 God, taking place in the early Fall. These are just a few of the things that are happening to make this transition a reality.

Of course, I want to ask all of you for prayer as I travel to DC, and also that I would have everything I need for the VISA. Also, if any of you are interesting in helping out with my Fundraising Team or being apart of the 5K event, please let me know. Thank you again for all of your support in every way!

Love you all!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Heading to Toronto

Its a little after 2am on Sunday, February 26th, 2012. I have just arrived at the bus station in Cleveland, OH. At around 6am, I will head over to the train station to catch a train to Toronto, Ontario. I figured this would be a great time to do some blogging.
Even with the late hour, the bus station is lively and awake, and the energy of it is fueling me. So much anticipation filters into my mind as this day marks another step closer to Brazil.  I am closer to warmth and a strange newness. I am closer to living out the life I was destined for.  Closer to seeing the God who directs my path release me into new territory.  Closer to tasting the dream that has possessed me for so long.
Toronto is a pivotal step towards that dream. I will be there for 2 weeks taking a Missions Prep Class designed to prepare me for what I should expect from becoming a missionary. As I sit here in the bus station, still only a few hours into my journey, I feel that dizzy excitement that comes from knowing your dream is finally within reach. I ponder how long God has been pouring into me to bring me to this moment? All the roller coasters and winding roads just to bring me to this place of fulfillment. How much time have I longed for and hoped against hope that this day would come? Here and now, God proves himself. He knows how to keep his promises. I've given him everything that I am, and he's given me more than I deserve.
The next 2 weeks should be an adventure. I will meet a lot of people who have the same desires as me. I will probably learn a lot of things that will inspire and challenge me. My hope is that this is also a time of rest and refreshing. A time to get in touch with that quiet voice inside me. As you can imagine, the planning process for moving to another country is a little exhausting, and I need to be rejuvenated.
If you could think of me over the next few weeks and say a quick prayer, I would appreciate it. And as you do, I encourage you to ponder over your own dreams and callings. Go to that place in your mind where anything is possible and allow God to meet you there. I believe we each play a part in helping others discover and live out who we were designed to be. We can imagine together what the world will look like when Heaven truly invades the Earth. Thank you!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Moving Right Along!


I want to thank all of you who stopped by my little booth at church yesterday to chat about my progress! I also want to give a special thanks to all who have decided to support me. But I want you all to know that both your financial and your moral support means a lot to me. This has been my dream for a long time, and it makes a big difference when you know that the people who care about you are standing in your corner.
A lot of you asked some great questions about my progress, and I would like to take this opportunity to answer some of them now.
Many of you wanted to know when I plan to leave. Right now, assuming all goes as planned, I would like to leave for Brazil in May of 2012. That's just around the corner! As you can imagine, I have a lot to do before I go.
Of course, raising support is pretty high on that list, and if you want to learn more about how you can help, please check out the "Needs" page of this blog to get a better idea.
In late February, early March, I will be traveling to Toronto to take a 2 week Missionary Prep class that is required by the Xingu Mission (that is the team I will be joining in Brazil). This class is designed to help prepare me for what I should expect as a long-term missionary and also help me to have the most success as I take on this new endeavor.
I have to work on getting all the info together to apply for a VISA. VISAs can be tricky, as they are time sensitive. Once the VISA is actually accepted, I have to leave for Brazil within 2 to 3 months or it expires! Please, pray that all those details go smoothly.
Strangely enough, I have to get a motorcycle license. Scary, right! When I get there, a motorcycle will be my primary form of transportation. Look out, pedestrians!
As far as learning the language goes, my mom bought me Rosetta Stone for Christmas. It is a great program, and really helps me get a feel for the language. I also have a Brazilian friend who said she would have some time to start teaching me Portuguese.
One of you things I will also need is support to travel to both Toronto and Brazil. If any of you have airline miles you would be willing to donate, that would be a great help.
And last, but certainly not least, I want to give you a brief description of what I will be doing while I am there. 
The first year that I am there, I will focus on learning the language and the culture. As you can imagine, the transition from one culture to another is quite a leap. My lifestyle will change is ways I can't even totally fathom at this point, and it will take some getting use to.
During this time, I will also be teaching English at the community center run by the Xingu Mission, attending small groups, and working for the local church. I will also be finishing the Vineyard Leadership Institute program I started a few years ago via the internet.
After my first year, I will move to another city in Brazil to join a team that will be planting a new church.

I hope I was able to give you a good description of what needs to take place in order to make this dream a reality. Again, I want to thank all of you for your interest and support. If you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

God Bless You!!

Allison Rupert